It's not what you could have done; it's what you WILL do

Thoughts on approaching my 84th birthday

Every year as my birthday approaches, I think back on the year I’ve just completed and look forward to the year ahead. This April 18 will mark my 84th birthday! Yet I still feel much the same as I’ve always felt. I look forward to each day, and I still believe the best is yet to come—I just have to let it enter.

Looking back, I can truly say that I have no regrets—because even the losses and disappointments led me to where I am now, which is grateful for the life I’ve lived. I’ve spent quality time with my family, followed my own guidance regarding my career, and focused on the positive throughout my life. And when I look at the big picture, I see that all of life’s twists and turns have led me to my present situation: reasonably healthy and perhaps unreasonably happy. So, perhaps it’s true that life has worked out perfectly! Even the upsets have turned out well. For example, if I hadn’t had surgery for a detached retina (which, at the time, seemed like a disaster) I’d never have discovered my love of painting.

At any rate, it’s too late for any of us to go back and live a different past. We can only live the present moment and all the moments to come. We can, though, learn from our disappointments and make different choices as a result. In my own case, I now recognize how important painting is to me and I paint as often as possible

As a physician, I often see patients who, now that they’re sick, regret the lack of care they gave their bodies in the past. They took their health for granted and didn’t protect it as well as they should have. But of course, by the time diseases have shown up, it’s too late to prevent them. The only solution now is to take better care of one’s health going forward.

And that is my birthday wish for you—and myself. Rather than focus on disappointments or regrets, concentrate on joys and accomplishments. Because, while it’s too late to have a different past, it’s never too late to have a different future.

This year, I’m looking forward to having two articles published—and I’m waiting for a decision on a third. If it is accepted for publication, it will be my most important paper to date—the culmination of my life’s work and research!

I also recently passed my driver’s test at the Department of Motor Vehicles. My health is good enough to permit me to continue driving. In addition, my wife Loralee and I are starting to get out more, post-pandemic. We are spending more time with our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews. I’m also painting regularly. I feel vibrant. Life is good!

This is why I can still believe “The best is yet to come; you just have to let it enter.” I’m committed to living the life of my dreams today.

I wish the same for you!

That’s #ModernWellness!

NOTE: In honor of my 84th birthday, I’m giving a free copy of my book, “Dr. Murad’s Seven Secrets to a Healthy and Happy Life” to the first 10 people who email me their name and mailing address at This book is not available online or anywhere else. It is my gift to you!

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